Highlights for Success for Organizations

Positive Direction Communication Skills

for the 21st Century

Positive Direction Communication Skills called "Consistent Positive Direction" provides communication skills and approaches to always speak, write and learn in the direction of the successes, outcomes or results that you require or desire – the positive direction. It is especially useful in addressing critical realities, resolving differences, building relationships and making change work faster, more easily and more completely. Consistent Positive Direction is a part of everything we do. Learn to interact with anyone in a positive direction.

Complimentary Introductory Session
Skill Development Sessions
Mastery Courses
Retreats and Conferences
Private Sessions
Targeted Group Sessions

Leadership ESP

(Everybody on the Same Page with Excellence on the Same Page)

The T.A.L.K. Associates Unity of Effort framework supports consistency in exercising Leadership practices for a high performance, customer-focused workplace. Organizations often ask, "How do we get everybody on board?” Operating in a Unity of Effort framework increases employee retention, increases the capacity for effective multilevel communication and accelerates progress in customer satisfaction by getting everybody 'on board'. We call it ESP – Everybody on the Same Page with Excellence on the Same Page. Through experiential learning, small group interaction and real life real time applications, participants learn and use key practices and approaches to assure empowered leadership and to:

Unify everyone, including support staff around a shared vision

Leadership ESP Core Development Session

Multilevel Leadership Development Sessions

Unity of Effort Leadership Mastery Course

Synchronizer Certification

Fast Improvement Team (FIT) Sessions

Sometimes months, even years go by while many relationship, performance and morale issues linger – from communication differences to equipment shortages. Now they can be resolved in a matter of days or even hours by learning and using our Fast Improvement Team processes. The people in your organization can become immediate Fast Improvement Teams. In two hours, you can learn improvement processes to speed up your progress to deal with change, manage growth, assure continuous improvement and/or increase customer satisfaction.

Unity of Effort Core Questions

On any given day, at any management level, circumstances occur outside of the ordinary or routine. The T.A.L.K. Associates Unity of Effort practices are designed for any level of your organization to keep a customer-focused Direction of Excellence under any circumstances, at the inclusion of everyone rather than at the expense of anyone. Using the Core Questions is an essential practice for everyday excellence and sustainability.

The Core Questions help everyone, especially leaders, to ensure that support for everyone always flows in the direction of the customer and always concentrates on supporting front line performance and delivery. Core Questions are used when there is a significant change in policy, practice, standard or procedure. Using the Core questions encompasses value, respect, efficiency, sustainability and cost effectiveness when adjusting to change or creating change.

Organizational Support ESP

(Everybody on the Same Page with Excellence on the Same Page)

Who supports the support professionals? In any number of organizations I have heard organizational, administrative and management support professionals refer to themselves as ‘taken for granted’ or the company’s orphans, outcasts, second thoughts and other similar characterizations.

“Internal Greatness Programs and Projects” customize skills, approaches and practices necessary for management support, organizational support and educational support professionals to know where and how to concentrate their priorities and efforts most effectively in the direction of customer satisfaction and success. Relationships, performance and morale work together at higher levels in ways that get Everybody on the Same Page with Excellence on the Same Page.

The Unity of Effort in a Positive Direction

Performance Development Manual

This manual is a comprehensive, universal guide for using the Unity of Effort framework effectively. The appendix includes a full version of the book Your Positive Direction NOW by J. Bert Freeman.

Through the power of direction and real-time application, you learn to use and establish the framework that unifies your organization. The “Unity of Effort in a Positive Direction” framework (Unity of Effort framework) is designed to make it easier for the effectiveness, efficiency and execution of everyone’s efforts to function in the same direction – everyone’s ‘Excellence is on the Same Page’ (ESP) in the direction of the customer.

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For Educators

Apply ways to sustain unity, withstand change and reduce staff turnover

Use a multilevel “Direction of Excellence” that work.

Facilitate the use of strategic plans

Concentrate on supporting front line performance and delivery

Accelerate the progress of existing programs with zero extra time, zero extra money and zero extra people

Build capacity for decision-making and continuous improvement based on data

Build capacity for always meeting or exceeding customer requirements and expectations

Pinpoint improvements needed in the workplace community that really matter so that front line employees can have the very best performance

About Us
T.A.L.K. Associates - Products
T.A.L.K. Associates Product - Taking Charge of Your Positive Direction
T.A.L.K. Associates Product - Your Positive Direction NOW - Paper/E-book
T.A.L.K. Associates Product - Your Positive Direction NOW - Audio
T.A.L.K. Associates Product - Maximizing Workplace Respect E-book
T.A.L.K. Associates Product - Unity of Effort Performance Manual
T.A.L.K. Associates Product - Unity of Effort Performance Manual - For Educators
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for more information about courses, sessions and projects

Leadership ESP Excerpt
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T.A.L.K. Associates - For Educators
About T.A.L.K. Associates for Educators
T.A.L.K. Associates Areas of Expertise - For Educators
T.A.L.K. Associates - Positive Direction Students
T.A.L.K. Associates - Highlights for Success for Educators
T.A.L.K. Associates - Articles for Educators
For Educators
T.A.L.K. Associates Courses, Seminars and Sessions
T.A.L.K. Associates Course - Presentation Skills Course I
T.A.L.K. Associates Course - Presentation Skills Course II
T.A.L.K. Associates - Fast Improvement Team (FIT) Seminars
T.A.L.K. Associates - Unity of Effort Leadership - Online Course
T.A.L.K. Associates - Leadership ESP - Core Leadership Session
T.A.L.K. Associates - Certification Course
T.A.L.K. Associates - Positive Direction Communication Skills - Programs/Courses/Seminars
T.A.L.K. Associates - Workplace Respect - Courses/Projects/Seminars
T.A.L.K. Associates - Organizational Unity of Effort in a Positive Direction - Sessions/Courses
T.A.L.K. Associates - Leadership Consistency Learning/Development Program
T.A.L.K. Associates - Team Excellence Learning/Development Program
T.A.L.K. Associates - Personal and Professional Relationships Learning/Development Program
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