Your Positive Direction NOW
Paperback and E-book
Your Positive Direction NOW
Paperback by J. Bert Freeman
ISBN 978-0-557-36040-6
T.A.L.K. Associates, 2010
Paperback - $15.00
Ebook- $4.99
With Your Positive Direction NOW you can learn to use positive direction at its core. Even in the most demanding situations, you can use Consistent Positive Direction to move things forward and get things done. It takes practice and the more you practice the better you get. Here are some of the core skills you will learn:

Creating and Managing Reality – Interact more about the reality that you want to move toward instead of the reality you want to ‘get away from’. You are designed for forward movement.

The Starting Line – Your current reality is your starting line. Move forward from there.

Start Options – Talk more about what needs to ‘START’ rather than what needs to ‘stop’, especially when you refer to ‘working together’. You are designed for continuous improvement.

PC Upgrade – Create the circumstances that need to occur for success, instead of predicting the way that people will act to take away from success.

Helping people to ‘PLAY’ instead of making them pay.

Verbal Positive Approach – The language of Consistent Positive Direction that keeps you consistent, always being yourself and saying what you mean.

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audio book
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Complete Respect in a Positive Direction – Your ability to exercise and influence respect in any situation at the inclusion of everyone rather than at the expense of anyone.
TOLLing (Total Open Listening and Learning) - Listening skills, approaches and practices that help to connect positive direction to critical and everyday experiences. 

Attitudinizing yourself in a positive direction – Expressing attitudes in the direction of the successes or results that are required or desired. Whatever feelings you have, you can always express them in a positive direction.
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T.A.L.K. Associates Product - Maximizing Workplace Respect E-book
T.A.L.K. Associates Product - Unity of Effort Performance Manual
T.A.L.K. Associates Product - Unity of Effort Performance Manual - For Educators
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